Today about 775 Million people in the world living without Electricity. Although many people in the Developing World (DW) have access to poor lighting, unhealthy and unsafe from candle, kerosene lanterns like the ones above. In addition, families in the DW men, women and children are breathing fumes from kerosene lamps. Cell Phones are very popular in the DW; many people often walk miles to recharge their cell phones and tablets, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TODAY—>DONATE
Today’s energy efficient LED bulb consume 90% less power, healthier and more economical than using kerosene lamps can be powered by a PV System. Photovoltaics(PV) convert Sunlight into Electricity using a solar module; the typical Off Grid (Stand Alone) PV system consist of a Solar module, charge Controller, battery and an optional Inverter for household 120V AC electricity.
In fact, a PV Powered Mini-grid can distribute electricity to a community. Sustainable community development is impossible without affordable sustainable electricity to power homes, schools and enterprises. Our goal is to design, install, and maintain sustainable RE systems to provide 100% electricity 24×7 to homes and micro enterprises. In addition, Apply social entrepreneurial skills and training to Engage, Educate, Empower communities individuals to improve their well-being in the DW; furthermore, raise funds to finance long term Operation and Maintenance (O&M) the average life of a PV systems is about 25 years,10 years for inverters and batteries and 25 years or more for solar modules.
However, the upfront cost of a solar PV system can be high for poor people living in the DW that is why we need donors to help us fund these projects, in addition to local gorvernment and communities. The following are PV systems application, and cost rated by the system Power (W):
- Pico system 10-100W personal system, for lighting and phone charging
- Price $35-300 off the shelf
- Small Home System(SHS) 500-1000W lighting, Phone, TV
- Cost at $3/w, $1,500-$3,000 with installation and battery storage
- Large Home and School Sys 2KW-5KW Lighting, computer, refrigerator
- Cost at $3/w, $6,000-$15,000 with installation and battery storage
- Mini-Grid System 7KW to 50KW Community system, Homes and Businesses, health center
- Cost at $3/w, $21,000-$150,000 with installation and battery storage
Would you like to support us by helping with our work? Then do not hesitate to contact us. A helping hand is always greatly appreciated AND PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TODAY—>DONATE